I doubt you have the time or the inclination to trawl through pages and pages of text which does little to enlighten you on how translations work.
So I’m cutting to the chase.
This is how it works
You simply send me the document(s) you want translated by e-mail.
I will then send you a non-binding offer.
You have a think and let me know whether we can work together.
Worried about confidentiality? No need, it is 100% secured!
Translations of deeds, certificates and attestations for private customers
Fees for standard documents include certification, VAT, and postal delivery and can be found here.
Translations of corporate documents, legal texts, websites, etc for business clients and law firms
A quotation for a translation is based on the number of standard lines or words in the source text. It takes into account the difficulty of the language, repetition of sections of text, and the source format (editable file format or not).
Pricing explained
Certified translations of standard documents and certificates are charged at fixed prices which are based on official federal guidelines (see below). These include fees for certification, shipment/postage and VAT. Original deeds, certificates, attestations, etc are only available in paper form. For the translation of these to be accepted by official bodies, the translation must reproduce the layout, which is often time-consuming. Certified translations are commissioned by private customers, so the statutory VAT is already included.
Translations of legal texts and corporate documents (contracts, general terms and conditions, etc) are invoiced on the basis of the number of standard lines or words of the source text. These technical translations are sent as an attachment to an e-mail, so there are no costs for certification and/or dispatch. They are usually continuous texts which do not require a layout reproduction.
The translation costs are derived from the guidelines found in the “Gesetz über die Vergütung von Sachverständigen, Dolmetscherinnen, Dolmetschern, Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzern sowie die Entschädigung von ehrenamtlichen Richterinnen, ehrenamtlichen Richtern, Zeuginnen, Zeugen und Dritten” (Act on the Remuneration of Experts, Interpreters, Translators and the Compensation of Honorary Judges, Honorary Judges, Witnesses, Witnesses and Third Parties).
You can find more information here.